About us

About Marama Care

Our strength is supporting you regain your independence

Marama Care provides personal care, supported accommodation and enablement for service users who are vulnerable as a result of various conditions and impairments.

We provide as much or as little support as necessary for each of our clients, we undertake holistic baselines assessments to ensure that our support is effective and bespoke to individualised needs.

About Marama Care

Our strength is supporting you regain your independence

Marama Care provides personal care, supported accommodation and enablement for service users who are vulnerable as a result of various conditions and impairments.

We provide as much or as little support as necessary for each of our clients, we undertake holistic baselines assessments to ensure that our support is effective and bespoke to individualised needs.

Our highly-trained, competent and nurturing Staff are at hand 24 hours per day to help our clients with day-to-day tasks and more long-term goals, based on their person- centered plans. Our service delivery is premised on empowering the individual to lead meaningful lives through empowerment, bespoke support planning and working within the wider support context thereby ensuring that both short term and long-term needs are identified and met.


Our clients can include individuals with:


  • Mental health issues

  • Learning disabilities

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders

  • Acquired brain injuries

  • Dual diagnoses

  • Challenging behaviour

  • Complex Care needs

  • Substance abuse, including Alcoholism

Our ethos

Your well-being is the priority…

Through quality support and housing services, we help our clients gain the life skills they need to build the foundations for independent living.


Everything at Marama Care is designed to create an atmosphere of home, safety, warmth and care, whilst keeping its function as an exceptionally innovative and well-run supported living service.

1. Community integration

We link to the community to open up people’s experiences, utilise community facilities and to support meaningful relationships with friends and family.

2. Multi-Disciplinary Team

Input from our in-house Multi-Disciplinary Team can be provided when people we support require further therapeutic and behavioural support and intervention.

3. Referrals & Contacts

We provide a rapid response to referrals and will normally arrange a professional assessment urgently. A detailed pre-admission assessment is always carried out.